An ideal food supplement, Vestige Spirulina is the richest natural source of protein, iron, vitamins, minerals and pro-vitamin A. It is the best natural source of anti-oxidants with natural anti-ageing properties. Pro-vitamin A present in Vestige Spirulina helps protect eyesight. Spirulina, being the only vegetable source of B-12, calms your nerves and helps you fight stress.
Net contents : 100 capsules | MRP Rs 300/- 


  Noni or Morinda citrifolia is a fruit found in Southeast Asia containing a mixture of anthraquinones, xeronine, organic acids, vitamins, minerals, nutritional enzymes and polysaccharides.

Vestige Noni helps in cell regeneration and it improves the overall immune system. An effective antioxidant, it has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-carcinogenic properties. It is also helpful for patients suffering from high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma as well as respiratory and digestive problems
Net contents : 90 capsules | MRP Rs 450/-